Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EMF Detectors

The EMF detector (electromagnetic Field Detector) is a ghost hunting device used by many paranormal groups, including my own. By using this instrument it is possible to locate and track different energy sources. It is important to remember that before using the EMF detector, you must first walk around the area of the investigation and record base-line readings. This includes around all major electric sources. (most EMF readers will come with a manual describing such sources) Be sure not to leave this device on for the full length of the investigation, preventing the EMF reader from "burning out".
When you get results of a positive EMF reading, take as many pictures as you can, ask questions and keep your video recording. Temperature drops are also common when getting a positive EMF reading. The EMF is a great tool to have on investigations, and just like with any ghost hunting instruments, if you learn how to use it correctly, you will be able to document better results.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Paranormal Talk Radio (podcast)


Ready To Investigate

Hello Portlanders!
The PDXpi team is ready to investigate! If you or anyone you know is aware of any local hauntings, we are now taking cases! Email us with details.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Members Wanted:

PDXpi is currently looking for new members. email us at : pdxparanormalinvestigations@gmail.com if you're interested!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Photographing Ghosts 101

First and foremost, it is not an easy task to capture a ghost on film. You will have better results taking photos at night with a flash, rather than during the day.
Most types of cameras will suffice for capturing evidence. 35 mm cameras are good because they produce a negative (better to prove that the photo has not been edited). Digital cameras are a great tool as well. They allow you to review your pictures right away, but remember to ALWAYS bring extra batteries and memory cards!
Also, it is best to not delete any photos you think are not of importance. Once in review, you could discover something that you couldn't see in the LCD screen. A downfall of using digital is that there is no hard copy and it is harder to prove that the photos have not been tampered with.
Having a night filming option on your camera is best for hunting in the dark. It is important to keep in mind the weather conditions when taking shots outside (wind, rain, fog, snow ect).
Avoiding mirrors is best.
Generally, always pay attention to your surroundings and discount any evidence that might have rational explanation.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have you had a paranormal experience?

Tell PDXpi your story.

What is a Poltergeist?

Poltergeist comes from the German word meaning "noisy spirit". Current research indicates, however, that poltergeist activity may have nothing to do with ghosts or spirits. Since the activity seems to center around individuals, it is believed that it is caused by the subconscious mind of that individual. It is psychokinetic activity. The individual is often under emotional, psychological or physical stress. Effect can include rapping's on walls and floors, the physical movement of objects, effects on lights or other electric appliances. Even the manifestation of physical phenomena.

For All your Ghost Hunting Needs:

GO HERE: http://www.theghosthunterstore.com

Monday, April 19, 2010

Psychic's & Medium's

A psychic as strictly defined is a person who is able to sense things that are not available through ordinary sensory perceptions. Such perception might include being able to divine things about a person not present through use of an object or article belonging to the person, called psychometry. A psychic might also be clairvoyant, seeing things or perceiving things others can’t, as the boy in the film The Sixth Sense does. Alternately, a psychic might be able to see or predict events in the future, called precognition.
A medium provides evidence of survival of the human personality beyond the physical state we call death. S/he is the link between the two worlds communicating with people who have died through mind-to-mind contact.

The Top Ten Best Video Clips From Ghost Hunters (TAPS)

Mt. Hood Ghost Conference

Visit: http://mthoodghostconference.com/